Compulsion and Distraction

>> Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am a man of very simple tastes, few means, and many many compulsions.  Why does this matter?  Ok - I've become addicted to tracking various components of my life - mainly - my acts of consumption.  Through the website I have developed an obsessive love affair with the pie chart that shows me all my spending.  Its more of a love-hate relationship: as I'm embarrassed to report I spent $600 on sushi in one month.  And an additional $200 on booze.  

That's a lot of sake and raw fish.

Speaking of raw fish, sake and other things I put in my mouth (shut up Colleen), I briefly flirted with another life-tracking website: Fitday. Fit day is one of those well-meaning websites for people that can actually track what the eat/drink and then make healthier choices.  NOT ME.  Not me at all.  All that Fitday has told me is that roughly 45% to 55% of my daily caloric intake comes from vodka, gin, and vermouth.  As if I didn't already know.

Why am I rambling on about this you ask?

Simply because I am trying to focus myself on the compulsions in my life that actually matter.  Why isn't there a good website that makes me all OCD about photography?  Or printmaking?  

Why is it that I can never really focus on the thing that my time is supposed to be about?

Perhaps because I am an American with all of the term's Baudrillardian implications. As Eddie Izzard points out, "It's 10% what you say and 90% how you look while your saying it." 

Now, if you'll excuse me.  I need to marvel at that pretty, shiny, and colorful pie chart which tells me I spend way too much money on books, booze, and other "entertainment".  The things in an average American life that really matter.


Caroline Houdek October 12, 2008 at 10:34 AM  

Those things make you happy right? As long as you don't turn in to an alcoholic you'll be fine. Everyone goes up and down with their art making. You'll make more soon, sooon!

Andrew Schroeder October 12, 2008 at 2:25 PM  

I've made a resolution, actually a pact with Patty to improve my outlook on such matters. The details of the "Wawina Pact" will be detailed in a future post...